Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Creative artist Bodo Vespaciano Omnia Caelum from Paris: His words

Bodo Vespaciano Omnia Caelum
Bodo, Art and Photography, Omnia Caelum, Turquía

Are you an artist/creative person/ art admirer?
            I am an artist because I am a creative person.

How is art important in people’s lives?
            As a tool to fight evil and as a chronicle of the it brings beauty in always unimaginable.

Do you have a favorite artist? Why do you like him/her?
            Matisse and El Greco.

What's your favorite place to see art? Do you have a gallery/museum-going routine?
            Museums and galleries, like the Met in New York and El Prado in Madrid.

Do you own any pieces of art? If so, what are they?
            I have a collection of my own works.

If you are an artist, What’s your favorite piece of work that you have created?
"Bass & Dancer" from my personal collection. I can link you to my Facebook page, you can see it there plus others that I love as well.

If you are an artist, What are you working on at the moment?
A graphic novel, "Carpo Cratian, Vampires in New Orleans" (samples are periodically posted in the same Facebook page through the same link,

Do you sell your work? If so Where all do you sell your work?
            Yes, my work is always for sale,through internet and at galleries I've exhibited in. I will be exhibiting in November in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida, USA, details at

"...It was the lark, the herald of the morning..."
Bodo in Art and Photography at Omnia Caelum in the Aegean Sea

If you are an artist, Do you make a living off your art?
            Yes, I make my living as an artist, but also my loving for I am in love with the work I do.

Do you think your country’s government gives enough financial support to local artists?
            Not at all. They do not give anything.

Do you support local artists? If so, how?
            I do what I can when I can how I can.

What are you doing when you’re not creating? What (other) hobbies do you have?
            I write and play jazz with my group AJA, linked here:

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
            Basically nothing, as an artist I am not important, why would anything be surprising about me to others?

Technically, what would you consider to be a piece of art? Why?
            I am not concerned with the functions of a critic, for me,technically, there must be the knowledge of the craftsman in every artist.

Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
            Yes...please do not think you are an artist because you've painted a "pretty" picture or because others have acclaimed your creativeness. An artist must be able to absorb the ugliness, indulge in the cutting edge and be ready to tell the story of the pain that cuts through the bone. Nature is cruel and art must not shy away from the most discordant, abhorrent and irreverent things or people. Art is not decorative piece of artistry...not everyone who paints is an artist...first become  a philosopher then a journalist and if you are truly an artist, put on your crown of thorns and go out and get crucified...

Where else can we find you?
and Wordpress
blog:Omnia Caelum

Can you give more insight about you and your work
            My work reflects nature. All art begins in the head and the ideas must flow through the fingers to the canvas, paper or marble...I do not seek to imitate the natural world, I seek to be like nature. However, within my own nature, the influence I was born with there is lots of colour and you will find unending combinations in my work and these tell their own story. You must see my work, I cannot tell you they resemble abstract, figurative or naturalistic thing they are not is pop art or scenes drawn directly from nature.

Have u displayed your works in gallery/art fest ? If yes please share more details
        Yes, I've exhibited in Europe, (Zaragoza, Spain); Asia,(Istanbul, Turkey)and North America,(New York, Sarasota, Bradenton and Miami). In November I will be exhibiting in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida, details to follow here:

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