Monday, 4 August 2014

Interview of a Creative person : Christal Kaple from Medina, OH USA

Christal Kaple Art 2014, Medina, OH USA

1. Are you an artist/creative person/ art admirer?
I am an Artist. I create everyday and my art is strategically random. Daily my creations are on canvas, online, or in my art journal.

2. How is art important in people’s lives?
Its a way to see someone's expression of life and events, a release or an amazement.

3. Do you have a favorite artist?Why do you like him/her?
 Hands down....Vincent Van Gogh.

4. What's your favorite place to see art? Do you have a gallery/museum-going routine?
 Cleveland Museum of Art is the closest and beloved by me, but I include an art visit in every city or state I am in.

5. Do you own any pieces of art? If so, what are they?
 My home is filled with items I did myself and artwork of my children and some very close friends.

6. What’s your favorite piece of work that you have created?
My favorite is a mixed media work from last year called "Two Mermaids". I have been offered great loot for it but cannot bring myself to let it go.  
I do really love the colors in my recent painting "Speak to Me".
7. What are you working on at the moment?
I just finished another insect painting, exposing some social issues currently in the news, and I also have another "cityscape" on the easel right now.....

8. Do you sell your work? If so Where all do you sell your work?
I have sold pieces online, and art shows, and through friends.

9. If you are an artist, do you make a living off your art?
Most Artists’ appreciate that there is the art that totally captivates and inspires us, and then there is the "art" that pays the bills! I got approached this morning to do the illustrations for an upcoming E Book. That's exciting!

10. Do you think your country’s government gives enough financial support to local artists?
I usually do not participate in Government Grants and such....but I do hear that US Government support for the Arts is decreasing. It's very sad!

11. Do you support local artists? If so, how?
 Definitely....I attend shows all around North East Ohio.

12. What are you doing when you’re not creating? What (other) hobbies do you have?
I swim and run, exercise is a great stress reducer and I am very much into architecture & interior design.

13. What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I am deathly afraid of insects! They are my phobia.

14. Technically, what would you consider to be a piece of art? Why?
Anything created by a human...I'm not sure on my feelings about digital art, yet.

15. Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
Sometimes art can start loosely & abstractly, with simple shapes and hard edges...give it a little color, and a hint of social meaning and you may soon have a masterpiece!

Nativity -Christal Kaple Art

16. Where else can we find you?
Twitter: @christalkaple 
Facebook: Christal Kaple Art 
Fine Art America:


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